City Council Business Meeting

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, January 12, 2021 - 6:30pm

Agenda links are at the bottom of this page. 

As we are still in an Extreme Risk County, disinfection protocol is still being used at our meetings.  Our meeting room is large enough to accommodate one person per six foot table for our Council members, and we can have up to 14 people in the meeting.  Masks are required, and contact tracing sign-in is required.  Masks are available, as is hand sanitizer.  All chairs are set 6’ away from each other, and you are required to maintain 6’ of separation from anyone who is not a family member.  If more than 14 people would like to provide testimony, then we have several ways to accommodate that:  

  1.  You can provide written testimony.  If you email it, or drop it off at City Hall prior to 5:00 on Tuesday, then we will make copies for the City Council, and your testimony will be included in the Council minutes.
  2. If you would like to provide testimony in person, and have written materials to distribute, please make sure to bring ten copies for Council and Staff members.
  3. If you provide us with your phone number, and name, we can call you during the meeting and place you on speaker phone.
  4. We can also have speakers sign up, and include their cell phone, while they go back to their cars to wait.  Once it’s time to testify, we can call you to come in and share your testimony.
  5. We can set up a Zoom meeting for those who prefer that option.  However, the view of our Council Chambers is quite narrow, and staffing may not be accurate to monitor the meeting site for those who would like to speak.  (We would need to mute everyone, and then allow them to speak when they raise their (virtual) hand.)  If you would like this option, please contact the City Recorder at 541-995-6655 ASAP.