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Visit the TSP Project Webpage!
Harrisburg Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update
The Harrisburg Transportation System (TSP) is an important document for the City; it helps to provide a blueprint for all modes of transportation in the City. That includes streets, sidewalks, bike lanes, public transportation, and how it interacts with all the other parts of the City, such as parks. It helps the City plan where the infrastructure should be located, and how future development in the City should be directed to.
The City was lucky to receive a Transportation Management Grant from the Department of Land Conservation and Development, and ODOT. After being awarded the grant, the City started working with ODOT to find a consultant to work with. Parametrix was the group that was chosen to move forward in this process.
Policy Advisory Committee: The PAC group is made of individuals who are serving as a core group to help guide the policies that the new TSP will be based upon. They work on the big picture, in order to help direct how the TSP should be written. The PAC group meets 3 to 4 times during the process to work on the goals and objectives of the new program. There is still room available for anyone who would like to join this group. It can be any citizen in town, and is made up by people who tend to work more in transportation, which includes businesses such as Knife River, groups or individuals representing our farmers, like Kurt Kayner, and Hubert Christensen, who represents both the Farmers and the Fire District. The Fire District, of course, is included, as is the School District. Would you like to be involved? Contact Michele for more information.
Stakeholders: Stakeholders are people who use the streets on a regular basis. (That's anyone and everyone!) The consultant will contact these folks in order to ask questions, such as where do you think the City needs more streets, how can we improve the streets to provide residents with better access to downtown, businesses, and parks, as well as the school? How shall we grow and interconnect our streets in the future? Is it worth it to develop a street if it requires mitigation because a wetland is in it's logical path? If you'd like to be part of the group who can answer questions, and help the consultant create the pathway forward, please call or email Michele at 541-995-2200, or at meldridge@ci.harrisburg.or.us.
The TSP Project even has a website established for it! Please follow this link to head directly there, and see what the process is all about. We want and need our citizens feedback on this!