Budget Committee-Open Position

 We want citizens who care about the city to serve on this committee.  Serving on the Budget Committee doesn't require accounting skills.....it only requires common sense, and a desire to serve the citizens of the City. The Budget Committee is a three year term.  Find an application by following this link. (The Budget Committee currently has one opening for a term ending December 31, 2027.)

The Budget Committee is an advisory committee of the City Council. The committee's primary responsibilities are:

  • Meet publicly to review the budget document as proposed by the City's Budget Officer.

  • Receive the proposed budget and the budget message and holds at least one meeting in which the public may ask questions about and comment on the budget.

  • Approve the budget and, if ad valorem property taxes are required, approve the amount of tax or the rate per $1,000 of assessed value for each levy that will be certified to the assessor.

Generally, the Budget Committee meets three times a year in the months of April and May. To confirm an upcoming Budget Committee meeting, please contact Cathy Nelson at 541-995-6655 or by email at cnelson@ci.harrisburg.or.us.

The Budget Committee's current membership includes: 

NAME (City Councilor) NAME (Citizen-member) TERM EXPIRATION (Citizen-member only)
Bobby Duncan (Mayor) William Percell 12/31/26
Mike Caughey VACANT 12/31/27
Robert Boese Travis Walker 12/31/26
Kim Downey Marilyn Pollard 12/31/26
Cindy Knox Barb Shipley 12/31/26
Charlotte Thomas Jana Jenkins 12/31/27
Randy Klemm Douglas Buchholz 12/31/26