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Our City

"Providing the Highest Quality Public Services for a Better Hometown Harrisburg"
"A Vibrant and Charming Community that has a High Quality of Life, Great Neighborhoods, Balanced Economic Growth, and Quality Public Services"
Our Mission Statement reflects the character of our community and is based on the principles of service and commitment. Our Vision Statement honors our history and presents a promising future to which our Strategic Plan is directed. Our mission and vision are built on the foundation of the following core values, by which our elected officials, employees and volunteers are expected to act.
Transparent, Open and Honest Government
This value reflects our most important responsibility to our citizens and customers. Our competence is measured and, in fact, reinforced through active engagement of those we serve. We maintain an organizational reputation for openness, honesty, and integrity.
Public Service
We are public servants. We are accessible, responsive, respectful, consistent and understanding. We provide assistance beyond our customer's expectations, and we find effective solutions to problems that they bring to our attention.
Fiscal Responsibility
Proper use of public resources is a trust which we honor and protect. In our management of this trust, we must avoid even the appearance of impropriety. In our management of public funds, we constantly strive for the greatest possible efficiency and effectiveness.
Personal Honesty and Integrity
Each of us demonstrates the highest standards of personal integrity and honesty in our public activities to inspire confidence and trust in our government.
Excellence is shown by being creative, professional, taking risks, showing initiative, and being committed to our community. In this pursuit, we support continuing education and training for everyone in the organization.
We are a team that emphasizes high levels of trust and cooperation and a commitment to excellent communications within the organization. We embrace a spirit of teamwork, empowerment, cooperation, collaboration, and community. We operate under the Together Everyone Accomplishes More (T.E.A.M.) concept.
Diverse and Humane Organization
We are an organization that honors diversity and protects individual rights. Open communication, respect for others, compassion, and a sense of humor are essential tools in our organization. We value the cultural and social diversity that is reflected in our community, and we welcome the changes and new perspectives that this diversity brings to us.