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Administration Home

The Administrative Department has many functions. The primary responsibilities are:
- Supports the Mayor and Council
- Implements City Council decisions and goals
- Facilitates implementation of the Harrisburg Strategic Plan
- Provides organization-wide administration, management, and evaluation
- Pursues intergovernmental relations and partnerships
- Promotes and sustains excellent community relationships and communications
- Facilitates public outreach and communications
- Oversees the budget and capital improvement program
- Oversees City Attorney contract services
- Monitors legislative activities.
The Administrative Department includes human resources responsibilities. In this capacity, the Administrative Department:
- Promotes positive labor-management relations
- Motivates and develops employees
- Processes accurate, cost-effective, and timely benefits
- Ensures accuracy and appropriate access to personnel records
- Maintains personnel policies, and supports departments and their employees
- Coordinates employee Risk Management functions, including increasing safety awareness
- Providing safety training opportunities for employees
- Supporting departments in their risk management and safety efforts.
- Provides response to Public Disclosure requests, and controls record management and official records for the City.
- The City Recorder/Asst. City Administrator is also the Elections Clerk for the City of Harrisburg