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Starting a Business in Harrisburg
Would you like to start a business in Harrisburg?
You've come to the right place! We love our businesses, and would welcome additional retail/commercial/service businesses in Harrisburg. If you plan on operating in the City of Harrisburg, then you are required to obtain a business license. We have several types of businesses in town, and are happy to walk you through the easy business license process, as well as supply you with links to some our resources. (Please see below)
Entrepreneurship/Business Resources: We have partnered with RAIN Oregon, and belong to a 8-City Collaborative effort to actively market ourselves as being welcome to businesses. RAIN holds regular events in Harrisburg, as well as in our partner cities. Harrisburg Startups, and innovative companies can find many FREE resources through RAIN, and can also attend events in any of the other cities. You can also work with them to create a business plan, and find mentors. For more information about RAIN, please follow this link to their website: http://www.oregonrain.org
Loan Programs: The Oregon Cascades West Council of Governments (OCWCOG), which serves Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties, administers several business loan funds. This includes resources available to for-profit and not-for-profit businesses acquiring or improving land; buildings; machinery and equipment; furniture and fixtures; or businesses in need of working capital.
Home Occupations: These are traditional types of businesses that are not commercial in nature. This is typically a business that is Internet orientated, or where a person can set aside an office in their home where they can work. It includes businesses like a CPA, or photographer. It can also include Mary Kay, Tupperware, and other similar types of businesses. Follow this link to find more information about a home occupation business in Harrisburg: Home Occupation Business Licenses
Commercial/Retail Businesses: These are the types of businesses that have more foot traffic, with customers coming and going. You are required to have these types of businesses in the commercial zone. It includes businesses like restaurants, markets, beauty salons, bookstores, insurance agencies, and other businesses like them. Please contact City Administrator Michele Eldridge, for assistance in moving your business to town.
Main Street Program: Harrisburg belongs to the Oregon Main Street Program. This program applies to you if your business is inside the boundaries....but anyone can join the effort and help out with special events that are created. The boundaries overlay the traditional downtown core, and the middle and northern part of the 3rd St. corridor. Oregon Main Street Program - Improving Our Downtown Commercial Core
Harrisburg Redevelopment Agency (HRA): The HRA is an Urban Renewal District, which also lies in specific boundaries of the City. The HRA has specific goals, and several programs available that can assist businesses that are located in the boundaries. If you are interested in some programs that could assist you in improving a business in the HRA boundaries, then you can find that information by following this link: Property Improvement Grants & Loans You can also find information in relation to what an Urban Renewal Agency is by following this link: Harrisburg Redevelopment Agency.
Harrisburg Enterprise Zone: We have a terrific industrial business base in Harrisburg, with great proximity to I-5 as well as Hwy 99E running through town. To find out more information about an Enterprise Zone, please follow this link: Enterprise Zone. If you are thinking about bringing your manufacturing facility to Harrisburg, then please contact the Enterprise Zone Director; City Administrator Michele Eldridge, at meldridge@ci.harrisburg.or.us
All types of businesses in Harrisburg, including solicitation, street and sidewalk vendors, social games, second hand dealers, as well as home occupations and commercial/industrial businesses, require a license. Please follow this link to review license types and more information: Business Licenses