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Harrisburg Parks System
Harrisburg currently has 5 great parks in town, and a terrific Museum giving homage to our agricultural roots:
Arrow Leaf Park: Located off of Arrow Leaf Ave in the northern part of town, this park has a paved half basketball court, a nice grassy area, and a great play structure. If walking or riding a bike, there is an access sidewalk available from N. 7th St.
Priceboro Park: Priceboro Park is located right on the southeastern portion of the city of Harrisburg. It's on the corner of Priceboro & Kramer Ave, (Also known as Sommerville Loop). Priceboro Park has a great play structure, a small rock climbing wall, and a bench. (Plus plenty of grass field to play in!) There is also a restroom in this location. While there is a parking area for vehicles, pedestrians can find a short cut from S. 11th St directly to the park area.
Riverfront Park: Home of the famous Harrisburg gazebo, and the central point of the Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration, the Riverfront Park runs right along the Willamette River's edge from Fountain St. to Territorial. Multiple Memorial Benches, and several picnic tables are scattered throughout the Park. There is a play structure and swings in the northern section of park, next to Territorial. Much of the park has shade, and there is access to the Willamette River, and what we affectionately refer to as the Harrisburg Beach. Public Restrooms are available here.
BN Park: BN Park is located right next to the tracks on the corner of 4th & Smith St. It has a beautiful grass area, much of it in shade, and a covered picnic table area. Public Restrooms are located at the Museum, located right across the street.
Harrisburg Skate Park: The Skate Park is located at 550 Smith St., right next to the fast tracks, and next to the school playground on the corner of 6th & Smith St. The park was designed by premier company Dreamland Skate Parks. It has both street elements, and a bowl. Bikes without pegs are welcome to use the park. Also, check out and use the Tennis Courts located just east of the Skate Park.
The Harrisburg Area Museum, also called Heritage Park, is located at 490 Smith St, right next to the Fire Station. It is ran by the Harrisburg Museum Board, and consists of several large buildings with displays, as well as the Witmer House, a small chapel, schoolhouse, and coming soon, a depot building. There is a large caboose on display on the property. Public Restrooms are available at this location. Museum Hours are Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 10:00-4:00. Guided Tours, and Rental of Museum facilities are available through the Museum Board, please contact them at 541-995-4844. Please note that hours are usually Saturday's only during winter.
Eagle Park: This park was purchased by the City in 2020, and the former mining area is now undergoing reclamation. Although it has an informal name of 100-Acre park, it's actually 132 acres of flood plain that is located on the banks of the Willamette River. A feasibility study was completed in 2016, and the Parks Master Plan helps to define what kinds of amenities and services this park will provide to our citizens in Harrisburg. As of May 13, 2023, work parties will start on the nature trail planned for the upper section of this park. Please get in touch with the City if you'd like to learn more about volunteering! The City has also applied for a $75,000 grant for a dog park, and nature trail for this upper section of park. This park is undeveloped, and in a natural state. This park is open to the public, but does not have good access. Citizens use this park at their own risk.