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Harrisburg - Emergency System Alert
February 12, 2025: Linn County Emergency Operations Center has been only partially activated, out of an abundance of caution. There is a potential for up to half an inch of ice accumulation; tomorrow's commute could be impacted, and the storm could lead to downed branches. The severity of the storm will depend on overnight and daytime temperatures. The National Weather Service is saying that at this time, this event is nowhere as severe as last year's ice storm. (We hope that's true!) Now is a great time to go to the bottom of this website, and make sure that you and your family are signed up for the alert system.
The LInn County Sheriff's Office coordinates Emergency Services and responses in our Region. We have a great group of people in Linn County, starting with the Harrisburg Fire/Rescue District (HFRD), which is a terrific resource at any time. Linn County cities, like Harrisburg, work with Emergency Services to help protect citizens. Did you know that you can contact HFRD at any time to chat if you are wondering how the City would respond to any disaster?
When Linn County has established an emergency, such as the ice storm in January, or when there is a chance of a wildfire, you will find information listed here for you. The links below can take you to some helpful websites.
Helpful Links:
- Linn County Sheriff's Office Fire Evacuation & Status Live Updates: https://www.linnsheriff.org/wildfire_live_updates/
- Linn County Sheriff's Office Wildfire Preparedness & Resources: https://www.linnsheriff.org/wildfire-recovery/
- Linn County Wildfire Map: Linn County Wildfire Map
- U.S. Forest Service - Willamette National Forest: https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/willamette/
- Oregon Department of Forestry - South Cascade: https://www.facebook.com/odfscas
- Oregon Wildfire Response & Recovery: https://wildfire.oregon.gov
- Oregon Air Quality and Smoke Information Map: https://www.oregonsmoke.org
What does the City of Harrisburg do in an Emergency?
Harrisburg belongs to the LEPC; the Mid-Valley Local Emergency Planning Committee. Harrisburg has several ways to notify our citizens in the event of an emergency, but the main information will typically come from emergency management personnel. Our lead agencies in a City wide emergency are the Linn County Sheriff's Office and the Harrisburg Fire/Rescue District. Depending upon the type of emergency, information will usually come to citizens through a combination of phone calls (reverse 911), website, press releases, FaceBook, reader board, radio and TV.
If you would like to be notified in the case of emergencies, you can join the Linn-Benton Alert Notification System:
Linn-Benton Alert Notification System: Sign Up or Log-in
Linn-Benton Alert is an emergency notification system that calls or messages residents to warn of impending or occurring emergencies and provides critical safety instructions when they are needed most. The system is address-based. It will send alerts to landline telephones (or the device of your choosing) in the zip code or neighborhood of areas affected by the emergency. If you receive a call, you will hear a computer-generated message, but please do not hang up. Instead, listen to the message in its entirety for important information.
By signing up for Linn-Benton Alert, you can also choose to have alerts sent to your cell phone, other phones or TTY devices, or receive text messages or emails. When you sign up, please make sure the address you input is accurate. The system maps to your physical address (no PO Boxes) so please carefully enter your complete street address and correct zip code.
Once you sign up, you can manage your profile, making changes to your contact choices to ensure the system has your most up-to-date information.
Contact the Linn County Sheriff's Emergency Preparedness website: https://www.linnsheriff.org/community-resources/emergency-preparedness/
Prepare your family in the Case of an Emergency
For Families
Talk with your family about disasters that could happen in the Pacific Northwest, such as home fires, wildfires, severe winter weather, flooding, earthquakes, terrorism, and hazardous material accidents.
Train all family members. Learn to use a fire extinguisher. Locate your utility shut-off valves and know when and how to turn off your gas, electricity, and water. Make sure all responsible people in the household have this knowledge or training. Pick two places to meet:
- Right outside of your home, in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire; and;
- Outside of your neighborhood, in case you can't return home or are asked to leave your neighborhood. Everyone must know the address and phone number of the meeting locations.
Take stock of supplies you may already have on hand that would be helpful in a disaster. Involve the whole family in collecting and assembling supplies of food, water, and emergency tools.
Tell everyone in the household where emergency contact information will be kept. Post a copy on your refrigerator, keep another with your disaster supplies kit and in your purse, wallet, or backpack. Make sure you have included an out-of-state contact. You may be able to reach them when local phone lines are down.
Test your readiness on a regular basis. Review your family disaster plan and go through supplies at least once a year. Commit to a day or weekend to update phone numbers, hold family fire and earthquake drills, and check supplies.
General Emergency Information:
The Harrisburg Fire/Rescue District does terrific work in taking care of Harrisburg citizens.....This information below is from last year when Linn and Lane Counties were deeply affected by the wildfires. For more information in the State of Oregon, you can always visit the Oregon Office of Emergency Management: Oregon Office of Emergency Management
Emergency food and water supply: Emergency Food and Water supply
Emergency medicine supply: Emergency Medicine Supply
Emergency power sources for medical devices and flashlights: Emergency Power Sources
Important documents, including medical documents, wills, passports, and personal identification: Taking Care of Important Documents