Linn Library Consortium

Linn Libraries Consortium


The Consortium is a group of libraries throughout Linn County working together to provide great library materials and experiences for our patrons.

Linn County does not currently have a county-wide library system. While this makes it more difficult for libraries to meet the needs of patrons in our county, the libraries of this group have developed a number of innovative ways to serve you:

  • We provide courier service between select Linn Libraries, so that cardholders can request items from across the county and pick them up at their own local library.
  • We share a catalog between all of our libraries. Using this catalog, you can find items from libraries across the county with a single click.
  • We participate in the Oregon Library Passport Program. If you have a library card at one of our libraries, you can receive a complimentary library card from any other library in our consortium, as well as from other libraries throughout our state.
  • We provide access and support to numerous databases for research and homework, which have been purchased by the Oregon State Library and Oregon Law Library.

Click on the following link to access to Linn Libraries Consortium Services: