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Demolition Permit
The demolition permit application form may be downloaded by clicking on the link at the bottom of this webpage. The form may be filled out electronically or printed and completed by hand. Please include three (3) sets of documents and plans along with one (1) copy of the demolition permit application.
A demolition permit is required prior to demolishing a structure on your property. If the intent of a demolition is to replace it with new construction, then the demolition permit must be obtained and completed before proceeding with a structural building permit.
All structures being removed from your property must be checked for asbestos. An asbestos verification form needs to be included when you submit your permit. No demolition is permitted until this step is taken. If there is asbestos found on your structure, then it must be removed by a contractor licensed to remove asbestos. The report verifying that all hazardous materials have been removed must be submitted before the structure is demolished.
Demolitions can be carried out through tear down (by hand), knock down (by machine) or by burning. If you want to pursue having your structure burned, then you will need to contact the Harrisburg Fire/Rescue District to find out if the structure is a candidate for that process.
Your demolition may required capping the sewer line at the property line and having the City water meter removed. Please make sure that you contact Public Works in order to verify sewer capping BEFORE you cover the line. This can take about 3 days to schedule. Please adequately protect any open holes or trench lines on your property so they do not become an attractive nuisance.
After a demolition permit is issued, you will need to contact the city and the county to let us know that the demolition is complete. We will come out to inspect the property to verify that all steps have been completed. Please give PW two weeks from the date of demolition to inspect the property, depending upon when you contact the City.
If the structure you are removing is a residence, and you aren't planning on immediately constructing a new residence in its place, then SDC credits will be generated for the dwelling being removed. The credits will apply to future dwellings being constructed on your property, as long as it's within 5 years of the removal of the structure.
The DEQ has great information on their website for residential home owners. You can find that by following this link: http://www.oregon.gov/deq/Hazards-and-Cleanup/Pages/Asbestos-for-Homeowners.aspx
Further information in relation to demolitions can be obtained by calling Michele Eldridge, at (541) 995-6655.